News and Event

Breast cancer awareness

News Type : General News

Vydehi Institute of Nursing Sciences and research centre organised breast cancer awareness programme

in view of Global fight against breast cancer with the goal of encouraging , screening, early Detection and

prevention Of Disease .

Program schedule

Date -28/10/23

Time – 10am – 12 pm

Venue – Lecture Hall 3 VIMS &RC

Theme – keeping Her In picture

The program was started by inviting the guest and dignitaries on stage

Dr Shashidhar v Karpurmath Hod of Medical Oncology VIMS & RC

Dr Jasmine Joseph principal of vins & RC

The MC of the programme was Akumnaro Of First Year Pbbsc she highlighted the purpose of the programme to provide and educate the students how to provide care for the patients Shared a quote by Anne “ courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes courage is the Little voice at the  end of the day that says ,I will try again tomorrow ”

The programme was started by invocation song by 3rd year Gnm . The MC invited guest and Dignitaries for lamp lighting welcome Address was given by Miss Sirparna 3rd year Gnm .Welcome all the audience to the programme and bouquet was presented to the guest speaker Dr Shashidhar V Karpuramath and Principal Dr Jasmine Joseph . Pricpal Dr Jasmine Joseph Vins& RC addressed the gathering and audience She enlighten the students the importance of having the knowledge regarding breast cancer awareness and encouraged the students to equipped with knowledge to help and educate the women how to prevent and how to provide care to women impacted by the disease

WeUnfolding of the theme was done by Mrs Menaga P HOD Of OBG Nursing Department. She spoke about how breast cancer has taken up being the commonest among the cancer affecting the women .She emphasis on the importance of conducting the awareness program for the students to have more knowledge so that they can educate the women how to reduce the prevalence

Breast Cancer awareness month 2023 Theme “ keeping Her In picture ”

The guest speaker Dr Shashidhar V Karpurmath spoke on strategies in reduction of breast cancer and it’s awareness . The speaker spoke about early Identification , how to prevent, who are in the risk of getting breast cancer , Signs and symptoms ,steps of breast self examination , prognosis of the disease , and how to provide education to the patient

A gimps of patient video sharing her experience and journey

HOD Of Paediatric Department Mrs Rani paul share her experience and journey and how she was able to overcome it with family support,how importance of early detection save her life

A mime show was beautiful performed by 3rd year Gnm and 1st year Pbbsc showcasing the causes and Risk ,signs and symptoms , supporting family members , treatment and cure phase . Which emphasis on knowledge is powerful,It can save life

Principal ma’am Dr Jasmine Joseph felicitate the guest speaker Dr Shashidhar V Karpurmath

HOD of OBG Mrs Menaga P felicitate Principal Dr Jasmine Joseph

The program was followed by interactive session between the students and Guest speaker

*Vote of thanks was given by – Nargis 3rd year Gnm

* National anthem – Audience

Photo session guest speaker, Principal , Faculty ,and students participants

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