CNE (Continuing Nursing Education)
The CNE program on every Wednesday from 12.30 pm – 02.00 pm for nursing faculty and nursing officers on nursing practice, education, administration, and research.
Vydehi Institute of nursing sciences and research center has been organizing the CNE program every Wednesday from 12.30 pm – 02.00 pm for nursing faculty and nursing officers on nursing practice, education, administration, and research. The organizing coordinator is Ms.Veena Lecturer, I/C HOD Community health nursing. The main objectives of the CNE program are to enhance knowledge, attitude, and skill for providing comprehensive quality patient care in hospitals and communities.
June 2nd
CNE on nurse’s responsibility towards patient on urinary catheterization
June 15TH
CNE on Infection control measures for all health attendants and ward boys of Vydehi hospital in a view to reducing infection rate among them and also patients. The program commenced on June 15th and continued till July 2nd, 2021.