News and Event

International Midwifery Day (Childbirth Preparation)

News Type : General News



DATE: 06/05/2024

VENUE: Ground floor, Vydehi Hospital Lobby


In a view to celebrate International Midwifery Day, a health education program was conducted on child birth preparation, which was organised by 4thyear BSc(N) students on 6th May,2024 at Ground floor, Vydehi Hospital Lobby.

All the dignitaries, faculties of OBG department, Vydehi hospital, faculties of VINS & RC, antenatal mothers and students of VINS & RC were present in the programme which was conducted in Vydehi Hospital Lobby.

The program was started with a prayer song by Ms. Kusuma A, 4th year BSc (N). The hosts Ms. Poornima C K & Ms. Kusuma A welcomed the dignitaries Dr.Jasmine Joseph, Principal, VINS & RC, Mrs. Joyce, ND, VIMS & RC,

 Dr. Chaithra, Assistant Professor, VIMS & RC, all the antenatal mothers and other faculties.Mrs. Joyce expressed her thoughts on International Midwives Day.Dr. Chaithra gave an introduction on child birth preparation.Theme unfolding was done through displaying the model by Varna and her group.Role play was performed by 4th BSc (N) and message was conveyed on child birth preparation.Fun activities were conducted for both antenatal mothers and staffs of OBG department. They participated actively and prizes were distributed to the winners.Followed by birthing ball exercises which was demonstrated by Ms. Anjali Manoj and explained by Dr.Chaithra,  Assistant Professor, OBG department and Ms. Kavya K.M. All the antenatal mothers present participated in remonstration of exercises on birthing ball.Vote of thanks was concluded by the hosts of the program.

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