Nursing research plays a pivotal role in advancing healthcare by generating evidence-based knowledge that enhances patient care, improves outcomes, and informs healthcare policy and practice. At its core, nursing research encompasses the systematic investigation of phenomena related to nursing practice, patient experiences, healthcare delivery, and the broader healthcare system. An introduction to nursing research would typically highlight its significance in several key areas: Nursing research serves as the foundation for evidence-based practice. Research conducted by nurses helps in identifying best practices for patient care, leading to improved health outcomes, enhanced quality of life, and increased patient satisfaction. Nursing research drives innovation in healthcare by exploring new technologies, interventions, and care delivery models. Nursing research findings involve in healthcare policy decisions. Engaging in research activities enhances the professional development of nurses by fostering critical thinking, analytical skills, and scholarly inquiry.

Our BSC nursing students undertake group projects under the guidance of faculty members. M.Sc. nursing students conduct individual nursing research project under the guidance of faculty members.